New website and much more

Dear All,

Most of this hot and sunny July has been spent working hard 'in the box' in Shepherds Bush at A Major Recording Studio.

Sadly the Studio will close at the end of August, so I'm making the most of every day spent in there.

We're trying to record as many songs as possible before the door closes. It's great fun to be working with Phil Chapman again, and co writing and recording with my brother Mike.

We're going over old ground; reviving favourite songs and redoing them the way they were always meant to sound.

Keeping them simple and acoustic, re-singing the original words, and in some cases adding new lyrics.

There are some new songs that have been developing slowly over the last couple of years.

They seem to sit well with the old ones; now there's an album coming into view ... and maybe a second!

Amy informed us that her band Ladybear's Album: 'Catch 22' plus 'Still Entwined' and 'Rosslyn Road' are now available as downloads on iTunes. Whilst having a look; we noticed that the Anthology Album 'Forever's No Time At All' is also available. That was news to us!

We'd like to welcome you to our new updated website; all the pages, including the Southwest Records Shop, should be clearer and easier to navigate. Thanks to Stuart Taylor who's been beavering away behind the scenes. We hope you like it. Any feedback or suggestions would be appreciated.

Enjoy the rest of the summer.

Best Wishes,


Billy Nicholls